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Canine Coach


Building a Relationship

Spending time training your dog builds a bond that lasts a lifetime. Learn how to communicate with your pup consistently and clearly. Your dog will gain more freedom because you can feel confident taking him anywhere with you and know that he will be easy to manage. 


Watch (attention, name recognition) | Sit | Down | Stay | Come |Walk nicely on leash | Leave it | Drop it | Go to bed | Wait | Attention seeking | Nipping | Pawing | Potty training | Crate/confinement training | And more...

Behavior Modification

Dog to dog or dog to human reactivity | General or specific phobias and fears | Resource guarding (food or objects) | Jumping (on family members visitors, furniture) | Aggression

This course consists of 6 half hour private lessons beginning in your home and depending on progress transitioning to public places for $349.

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